Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Turkey Trot

I am thankful that Thanksgiving is over.  I must say, I love the holiday.  I love every morsel of the feast, the libations, the leftover dinners, the turkey sandwiches, the turkey soup, etc.  However, a summer of a lack of skating, going to the gym and NOT SAYING NO to fattening foods and extra helpings caught up with me.

So today I am back, hopefully on track.  A few weeks of rigorous calorie reduction, increased exercise and willpower should do the trick.

Oh yes, back to the basis of my blog ... skating.  Technically I think this has become a v-log.  I post mostly videos and not too many photos.

Today I skated twice at two different rinks a few hours apart.  Lesson learned today: My joints and muscles didn't appreciate an explosion of exercise in a cold rink, followed by a ride in a hot car, followed by another cold rink.  Simple rules in sports... WARM UP-EXERCISE-COOL DOWN-REST ..... or else you will get injured!

This is a raw clip from my first practice.   This is a pretty typical practice session for me when I am not working on elements for a test or getting ready for a competition (my one and only thus far).  Skaters generally just wander aimlessly on the ice until some little voice in their head says ... "do this" or "try this" .. sometimes it's a conscious plan.  Other times it's really random.  Today it was random.

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Long Lesson Not Much Progress

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