Monday, July 16, 2012

Taking The Week Off

I feel physically and emotionally drained from Saturday's event.  Taking a few days off.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jo Williams Memorial Cup Jul 14, 2012

My first competition ever.  Wow.  I was so nervous.  I skated from 12:00 to 1:00 at EWU and somehow pulled my groin or something down there from not warming up properly.  Ouch it smarts.

At the wall with my coach Berkley during warmup
Skating out getting into starting pose

Here is how it went down:

What went wrong:

  1. My legs were shaking from warmups to end of my program
  2. I did a Waltz - Waltz instead of a Waltz - Toe Loop (kind of planned with my coach moments before we went on the ice)
  3. My spread eagle ended too close to the wall (out of the sight of the judges)
  4. My salchow-loop was way smaller than normal
  5. My straight line sequence was on a diagonal (I was trying to get back to the center of the rink)
  6. At the end of my crooked footwork sequence I two-footed the flip
  7. Then I made up the ending unlike what we planned
  8. The music ended… I was still skating for 5 seconds and omitted a pivot for the sake of time
  9. Camera failed for hubby 30 seconds into it.

What went right:

  1. I skated
  2. I did not fall
  3. I actually enjoyed about 20 seconds of the 1:50 of it… 
  4. It's over
  5. I'm not discouraged and want to try again

We had to buy the $40 video from the professional since my camera stopped taping in the middle.  5-6 weeks they say.

I was the only one in my event.  I have no idea if I placed 1st or 2nd .. I would guess 2nd since I didn't do all the required jumps correctly.  Somehow I didn't have enough discussion with my coach about how it all works.  I was really hoping for a judges critique.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Skated Exhibition Today

On Thursdays during summer the Lilac City FSC does what they call "Pops".  Anyone in the club can run their program once.  This was a great opportunity for me to try out my program before the competition day with people watching.

My legs were shaking beyond belief.  I definitely messed up, however I did not fall and I landed nearly all my jumps, however small.


  1. The sit spin wasn't low enough and I exited wrong
  2. After the sit spin I was supposed to do a back crossover, 3 turn to forward crossovers then start the spiral sequence closer to the blue line than the middle  
  3. The first jump element was supposed to be a waltz-toe instead of just a waltz jump
  4. I forgot my transition step from that jump leading to the spread eagle.
  5. The spread eagle was cut a little short
  6. The salchow-loop needed more speed, height and a stronger landing
  7. The step sequence needs to be quicker and more defined
  8. After the flip jump at the end of the step sequence I forgot my transition steps 
  9. After the lunge I forgot my transition steps leading to the final scratch spin
  10. I am hoping for a better back pivot and holding my final pose longer 
  11. Throughout the program my hands are not extended straight out to the fingertips
Having said that.  I was totally happy and grateful that I skated as well as I did for this FIRST TIME EVER skating an exhibition.

A very interesting thing happened as a result of this skate.  I am extremely sore today in my back, neck, core.  I think the added pressure of holding it together in front of people made me more tense than usual in my muscles while I was skating.  For sure I will will sitting in the hot tub tomorrow and taking some anti inflammatory pain killers.

Choctaw Concussion

Less than 5 minutes after I got on the ice today with my friend Sheila, we were at the rail  while she was trying to explain to me what a Choctaw was.  I thought it was something different and tried to demonstrate it.  Next thing you know I hear the "click of death" of my blades hitting each other and down I go... backwards.  Butt first followed by a head slam to the ice.  Boy that hurts.  When those trip/falls happen I usually get hurt worse than if I am jumping or spinning and fall.

I did recover, but my skating for the rest of the session was a waste of time.  I couldn't get through my newly finished program, nor could I do my combination jumps.

Choctaws... fooey.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Competition vs Test

Today I found out that my Adult Bronze level "competition" does not have the same requirements as the Adult Bronze Free Skate "test".  In my heart, I knew this, but I was thinking my competition program would suffice as a test program and vice versa.

I had a 1 hour lesson today to complete the program needed for this Saturday's competition: "Well Balance Free Skate - Adult Bronze".   What this means is NO BACKSPIN REQUIRED !!!  Yes!

Fortunately I am not competing against anyone this time and it is my very first competition EVER in my life.  So I just want to get through with the bare minimum requirements.

Changes to rules for 2012-2013

Jumps Max 4 = I have 3 with 2 combinations of 2 jumps each
Spins Max 2 = I have 2
Step Sequence = Yes (Spirals will be counted as transitions)

My program (now complete) has the following *required elements in the following order:
  1. Opening position - forward pivot - bent knee spiral - inside edge - Ina Bauer to
  2. Sit *spin  (spin #1 of 2)  forward crossover 
  3. RFI Spiral (to be counted as a transition), 3 turn, 2 back crossovers
  4. *Waltz - Toe (jump #1 of 3) 
  5. Transition steps: 3 turn, back crossovers, back edge, Spread Eagle 
  6. *Salchow - Loop (jump #2 of 3)
  7. *Footwork Sequence (mohawk, back 3, mohawk, cross step, fwd 3, falling leaf
  8. *Flip Jump (jump #3 of 3) ..... The one I fell on!
  9. Lunge 
  10. *Scratch spin (possible Attitude)
  11. Ending in a back pivot
So here are two attempts at the completed program today.  I fell on the first try at the end.  On the second try I was way off the music.  (too slow)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Maybe Bunga Pads Are a Good Idea

Took a few spills today on my Waltz-Toe combination.  Also think I may have pulled something ... from trying to jump before I was fully warmed up.

I'm a full fledged member of AA = Alcohol + Advil
 (Sorry if this offends anyone)

All I did today was run through my program over and over again.  Sometimes I got all the way through sometimes I didn't.  Sometimes I FELL.  Tomorrow I have a 1 hour lesson.  My next video should be a complete program.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

100 Degrees Outside - I Still Had Private Ice

Today was the hottest day of the year.  Temps reached the high 90's in most parts where I live and some areas hit 100 degrees.  Not in the rink. It was a very cool and refreshing temperature.  As you can see I got warm enough to strip off my coat and sweater.

I skated with a skirt today and plan to for the rest of the week in preparation for my competition this Saturday.  I have told too many people about it and I must make an attempt at it - no matter how badly I do.  With any luck .. it will actually have a beginning - middle - end before Saturday!

Just as I was leaving the rink I saw Sylvie Cloutier who skates at my rink.  She just passed her Adult Gold MIF and is now working on the Standard Test Track - Intermediate MIF.  I'm so jealous.

I took some video of them practicing.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Skating On The Weekend

Summer has finally arrived in Spokane Washington.  Today we are in the high 90's.  Rather than make a pitcher of iced tea and sit on a lounge chair in the back yard I decided to drive to EWU to skate.

I'm still sick. I think it has blossomed into a sinus infection.  One more day and I am going to take an antibiotic.  My energy is dismal.  I thought I would stay on the ice and just walk through my program and try and improvise and create the missing elements and  steps and arm and hand movements, but I simply skated around and around and couldn't pull any creativity out of my mind or soul.

On the ice there today was a coach, Karin Kuenzle-Watson and about 5 young skaters under her direction.  I think they are part of the Inland Northwest Figure Skating Club.  They regularly skate at EWU in Cheney.  Here she is holding her gold skates.  She was wearing them today while she was coaching a very young pairs couple and 3 other young single skaters.

As for my practice, it was a waste of time.  My head was plugged up, then I had a runny nose and my feet ached and I couldn't get more than 1/3 of my program skated without stopping.  I'll try again tomorrow.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Competition Schedule Posted

Now I ask you.  Does this make any sense whatsoever?  Note the time of my paid practice ice and the time of my scheduled event.

Schedule -- Diane Rudnick
Saturday, July 14, 2012
7:40 AMPractice-ice (Practice) - Mixed AEagles
3:50 PMFree Skate (6.0), Adult Bronze (Ladies)Eagles

I am sure they have a good reason for not putting me on any of the other practice sessions.  Namely at 12:35 p.m.  or 10:20 a.m. or 8:10 a.m.  It says I am in "Mixed A" group.  There is also a B and a C and D group.  Maybe it has to do with skating levels.  I know I paid for this practice session, but I will do much better if I sleep in, eat a good breakfast, relax in my hot tub and then go skate for an hour at another rink from from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.  It's only 1/2 hour from my house and I will be much more warmed up.

I somehow managed to contract another cold or maybe the last one never left and was just festering within me.  For the past 2 days I have been drinking hot tea and honey, taking Benadryl and going through 2 boxes of Kleenex.  << How's that for product placement?  Aaaaachoooooo.

 I thought skating would help.  I felt pretty ragged out there today.  Kept the jumps to a minimum and tried working on some spins and pivots and connecting steps for my STILL UNFINISHED PROGRAM!!!

My coach should be back in town and I hope she can schedule me for a really long lesson or two before next Saturday .... it's my only hope.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Practice Practice Practice

Back on my home ice at Eagle Ice Arena today.  I had the ice nearly to myself.  I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to skate here.  It's not what one visualizes when you say "I skate PUBLIC sessions".

I captured most of my practice today and I practiced a bit harder than usual, purposely trying to get a workout, warm muscles and then try to run my program.  I cut 25 minutes down to 12 by cutting out all the "recovery" time in between trying different elements.

I ran my program twice without music in my headphones.  I attached the audio later, so the timing is off and the program runs long.

A few new things appear on this video.  A Camel Spin and a Waltz - Loop combination.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Week New Ice

Camping is over.  Husband is back to work.  I have about 12 days to practice daily and see if I can't pull off this attempt at skating my Adult Bronze Program in "competition" on July 13/14.  If you are just tuning in... I am the only competitor at my level of "Adult Bronze" ... never mind that I am a IV which means ... old... over 50.

Something is up with this iPhone.  The Droid was so much more reliable for video.  Sometimes it doesn't focus.  Sometimes it shoots sideways and I have to take the time to turn it around when I upload it.  Today it did both.  I am posting the only thing that captured well.

Not sure if it's the ice or me or both, but my spins today were really shaky.  Especially the Sit Spin as I got lower down to the ice.

I tried putting my arms straight out as someone suggested to me for better effect and it threw me off.  I will try again tomorrow.

A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...