Monday, February 28, 2022

Last Week of AZ Rehearsals

 Today was one of those days .. nothing worked.  I managed to get a complete run in but my skating was a disappointment today.  Maybe Wednesday and Thursday will go better.j

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Dress Rehearsal for PCAS …

 WYSIWYG.   I have 3 more practices and 1 more lesson before heading to Spokane for the 2022 PCAS event where I will skate in my first competition since 2016 - It’s been 6 years!  I was 56 … now I am 62 … that is HUGE.

I was moderately happy with my run today even though I messed up my choreo a bit.  I finished with the music .. I didn’t fall (well, at least not during my program run!) and eked out a 3 turn Twizzle during practice .. then promptly fell on the subsequent back crossover by the evil “click of death” … Ugh.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Looming PCAS in 17 Days

 Well this is about the worst place to be in prior to a competition.

1. My dress needs some alterations

2. My physical condition is about 30% of what I would desire

3. My program needs a lot of polishing

4. Most importantly my elements: Twizzles, counter, edges, etc. need work.

I have 4 practice days left on ice but 17 days left till my competition day.

Not much I can do but focus and try my best.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Double Trouble Thursday!

 Someday I will get to the rink in time to stretch, warm up off ice and on ice BEFORE my lesson!

 Not today … so um .. I had a little trouble with everything.

My lesson with Vitali went slightly better but I’m still really struggling with those European three turns.
Takeaway today was point the heel of your boot toward the long wall on each 3 turn.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday Practice - Raw footage

 Today I didn’t have much motivation on the ice.  I skipped skating on Monday and today I didn’t put out much effort.  I did show up and skate for 45 minutes but it wasn’t a great practice.  Lots of ice noise!! Sorry!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

2nd Day Back … After a Week of Margaritas in Mexico!

 I was wastin’ away in Margaritaville -  Now I am paying the price.  At 62 and with my current level of activity (not enough) I am really hurting when I try to finish a run of my program.  

Today I warmed up for my lesson working on some of the elements.  Did a run through with my coach and then we tweaked some steps that were sounding too scratchy on the ice.  Then to help condition me .. and probably to warm up my coach …. She made me put my program music back on and we skated the full 1:40 power stroking together.  It was fun trying to keep up with my 5 time US Champion Ice Dance and Olympian coach Naomi Lang Strong!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Groundhog Day !!!

Well I never thought I would say this again, but I have entered a competition.  My home club Lilac City Figure Skating Club is hosting the 2022 PCAS - Pacific Coast Adult Sectionals in March 2022.

I am most decidedly NOT in competitive shape nor am I expecting anything more than to show up and hopefully skate without falling.

My last competitive event was September 2016 at the ISU International Adult event in Vancouver WA.  There I skated in the Silver Pairs and Silver Ladies III event.  

Skating since then has taken a back seat to many other things.  I keep posting my practice videos and blogging when I skate but there is no longer a learning curve .. seems more like a slow-but-steady decline in my skills.

Since taking up ice dancing I have come to learn that the discipline is WAY HARDER than one may think by looking at the pattern/compulsory dances.  Putting those steps into the proper rhythm, using good extension, pointing toes and fingertips, good knee action, strong edges and turns and OMG TWIZZLES is not easy.   

When I was free skating I could see progress and improvement but in ice dancing my thoughts of disappointment and self loathing are an everyday occurrence when I watch the playback of my skating.

Nevertheless, I continue.  I do enjoy getting out there and trying and I am coming to grips with my age and body’s reconciliation with what it can and cant do.  Some of it is a mental barrier for sure and I suppose if I wanted it bad enough I would work a little harder.  More stretching, more gym time, doing things to build up stamina, etc .. but I don’t seem to be able to make the sacrifices necessary to do that.

So it is what it is … as they say.


American Waltz Dance Test - Passed!

If you have followed along - this was a big day for me. My last dance test passed was Dec 19, 2022.  Over 2 years ago since we started worki...