Friday, March 15, 2019

Winter GO AWAY

Seriously .. it's mid March and we still have snow everywhere.  They are still ice fishing on the lake near my house.

I have not been motivated to get out there and drive in cold temperatures to have a frustrating day on the ice.

Today I showed up late for Coffee Club but skated about 30 minutes (pant pant) and tried some ice dance practice with a few simple jumps and spins at the end.

It wasn't pretty, but I am glad I went.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I Made it to Coffee Club

We are having the snowiest February on record except for back in 1893.  The wind has been howling and my tan from all my traveling is fading fast!   I forced myself to show up for Coffee Club last Friday, but I couldn't squeak much out.  Just sayin' ... if you don't use it.. you really lose it.

Next month we begin our new adventure of snowbirding between Spokane and Arizona (greater Phoenix area).  We'll spend a month moving in and getting to know the area a bit before returning for the spring and summer here in Spokane.  My plan is to get on the ice down in AZ - figure out what rink works best for me and maybe find a coach.

It's time.

July 115º - No problem!

 Down in the valley for a few appointments from the White Mountains of Arizona where it’s much cooler.  It’s been over 110ª every day reachi...