Sunday, May 31, 2020

Look Ma No Video

In a direct email from our club - we were bold type told no filming or photography during freestyle sessions of any kind. I have no idea why. They stated it was Coronavirus related. Hmmm.

Now I will have to paint a picture with words.  It was my  2nd skate since lockdown.  Back at my home club rink in Spokane WA - Lilac City Figure Skating Club.  1 hour freestyle session with a limited number of skaters.

COVID19 rules:

  • We entered through the back door 
  • Minimal personal items allowed inside
  • No changing in the restrooms - locker rooms off limits (not that I used our locker room anyway) 
  • A verbal questioning on entry about lack of exposure to Corona and a sanitizing of our kiss and cry bags.   
  • No RinkMusic allowed yet., but they did allow an iphone to be plugged in for background music
  • Skates put on at the rink side bleachers
  • Kiss-and-cry bags on the rails must be 6’ apart
  • All dynamic warm ups in the parking lot.  What?  We are supposed to warm up before skating? 

I have to say, for me .. skating a freestyle session is more productive than a public session where I can spend much of it skating round and round socializing, stretching at the wall and killing time.  At a freestyle session everyone works hard so you feel guilty if you aren’t continually doing something constructive.

I spent my session stroking - trying to employ deeper knee bend into the ice and extension of my free leg - dance style.  I did Chasse’s and Swing Rolls, forward Cross Rolls, Swizzles and Slalom pumps, Crossovers and Progressives.  Then I spent 20 minutes doing 3 patterns of the Hickory Hoedown, Willow Waltz and Ten Fox and another 15 minutes attempting the Gold Moves in the Field .. repeating those that felt uneasy (Double Three Turns and Brackets). Near the end of the session I did a few Spirals, a few Scratch Spins, A Spread Eagle and after my Camel Spin fell apart I decided I had had enough.  The last minutes were spent power stroking 3 laps.  NO JUMPING whatsoever today.  I just wasn’t ready.

Here’s the only proof I have that I skated!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

First skate since March 13! Post Covid19

Although the crisis of the pandemic is far from over many states are beginning to reopen and launch their phase 2 openings. Arizona is such a state. Today I was able to attend a freestyle session with limited skaters on the ice and take a lesson. The only requirement was that you come mostly prepared to skate and only spend time in the lobby putting your skates on and taking them off. They asked that you keep your tissues to yourself, obviously don’t share water bottles or touch anyone else’s stuff.

As my coach said you’re  going to feel a bit like “Bambi“ first time out but it wasn’t too bad I just felt unsure of my edges and posture ... but truth be told ...that’s always the case ha ha.

This is my last lesson down in Arizona before heading back to Washington state for the summer. We worked on some fundamentals and the Hickory Hoedown as well as went over the steps of the 10 Fox.

It felt great to be back on the ice.

A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...