Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Pairs Lesson Halloween

 We are back to our regular Tuesday lesson day but haven’t had a chance to skate in between time.
 We’re basically doing whatever we can do while ease back into regular practice.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lesson Two for Two

Hank and I are finally back to weekly lessons, but haven’t found the time to practice in between yet this season.  Good lesson today with Chris Anders. We worked on stroking transitions we should have learned long ago and some side by side jumps.  A class of LTS kids came on the ice and I had to take my camera down before we started to work on the spins and throws... next time.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Coffee Club 10-13-17

Coffee club today with Valerie Anderson.  Valerie just moved to the area from Florida and she is our new LTS director at Lilac Figure Skating Club.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Pairs Lesson 101

Hank and I have not hardly skated all summer.  In addition we have not had a lesson in probably six months.. I’d have to check my calendar.  I’ve been skating 1-2 times a week lately, but not really exerting myself.  TodayI had a lesson and by the time we stroked to warm up, did a few exercises and tried some side by side jumps .. I started to feel really light headed and had to get off the ice.

Doc said it was probably low blood pressure and dehyradtion - along with being out of condition.
Hope I can claw my way out of this physical funk.

American Waltz Dance Test - Passed!

If you have followed along - this was a big day for me. My last dance test passed was Dec 19, 2022.  Over 2 years ago since we started worki...