Friday, May 28, 2021

Private Ice … For a Little While

 So today was a treat.  I mis-read the time for public and thought I was getting there 45 minutes late when in fact I was early.  And I was the only one on the ice for 30 minutes.  

I tried to break up the video today into segments.  

Part one is just me enjoying a warm up on private ice.

Part two is me running all the Adult Gold Moves in the Field in REAL TIME with no cuts, no comments and not retakes.  If I had to submit this for a “virtual test session” I would imagine it would be something like this.  I just skated all the elements .. come what may during each one and completed them in about 13 minutes with some gliding into position breathing breaks along the way… imagining my coach at the wall telling me ok .. they have taken their notes and are ready for the next element.

I know it’s not a passing test, but it was a good exercise for me to run them start to finish without stopping.  I think … I may have passed the Power Circles and the Back Eight but I think the Double Three Turns and Brackets would have failed.    Oh sorry… we don’t fail in figure skating.  A RETRY!

Part three is me attempting one go at each of my Pre-Silver Dances with my music FOB playing the music in the background and a run of my Free Dance … (by then the hockey players got on and kind of messed me up at the end … it’s supposed to be a sit spin.)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Lesson 2 with the GURU

 I love working hard during a lesson… even if it means a few falls.  Had one today but didn't show it in the video!

Working on GOLD MIF with John Saitta.  He is a skating technical pro .. and seems to have a pretty good idea of all my misaligned mechanics!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

No Moss Growing Under My Blades

After a fun little road trip from Arizona to Washington state … with a pit stop in California to get fitted for new dance boots and blades - I’m back in the Inland NW for the summer.

I have been without a coach up here for a few years.  Since I stopped skating pairs in 2017 I haven’t had anyone helping me with and pushing me toward my goals on the ice.

What are my goals?  Hmmm 🤔 Good question.  There are probably two lists.  One is kind of like keeping your skinny jeans in the dresser for next year when you might fit back in them …. They will eventually go to the Goodwill, but having them in the drawer leaves a little hope.

#1. Realistically my goal is to keep skating and to enjoy it.  The latter part of that means not putting too much pressure on myself to rush into testing or to compete again ~ although like the skinny jeans.. I won’t rule it out quite yet.

#2. This summer my plan is to spend most of my time focusing on my Gold Moves in the Field.  I would be really happy with myself for accomplishing this.  It’s been almost 5 years since I tested Moves in the Field.  

#3. Keep working on ice dances and techniques.  I’d like to work on more advance turns like rockers and counters and get more comfortable with twizzles.  I don’t want to return to Arizona in November and have to start over with my coaches there.

So today I had my first lesson with my new coach John Saitta.  I have been waiting several years to acquire some coaching time with him.  His schedule has been full for quite a while.  “So what do you want to work on?” …..  I shared goal #2 with him and we got right to it.   

Today’s focus was on my inside three turns.  I feel ok on the RFI but not the LFI so he gave me a great exercise and tips on how to enjoy the ride! Secondly we worked on brackets.  Again the left side is the weaker side without full control and flow and he gave me great tips for that.  

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Final Week of Skating in Arizona

First was my last Ice Cafe in Scottsdale at the Ice Den.  My phone got knocked over so there’s only a few moments of Ice Cafe with coach Doug.

My last lesson with Todd Gilles was fun.  We ran all the dances and picked a few things apart.  I wish I had pushed harder and been able to test before heading up north for the summer - I doubt I will find any dance coaching/partnering that will enable me to test before I return.

2nd Was my Wednesday skate at Ice Den Chandler on the Ice Café session there. I had my last lesson with beautiful Naomi Lang.  As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz “I’ll miss you most of all” ... We looked at my Free Dance program - which I can use to test Juvenile Solo Free Dance .. at some point.

Lastly was my Thursday skate at Ice Den Chandler with Vitali Vakunov.  I really enjoy lessons with him because he always warms us up with stroking exercises and step exercises that practice components of the dances we are working on.  We get a lot of skating done during our lessons.

Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...