Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Day Off Dance

Went to the rink intending to practice the 3 dances I am testing in a month, but found myself yearning to do some freestyle.  It was a good idea because I easily lose my muscle memory for everything when I take too much time off.

Happy with how it went and not surprised that the Lutz jump goes away.  It's always been a FLUTZ .. But now I am not even landing it ... Just balking and doing a 1/2 jump.  Lesson time!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Back from another fabulous holiday.  This time with my hubby.  A week in Glacier National Park.
I brought my skates in case there was any extra time and I could sneak up to Whitefish Mt, but we were either too busy or too tired for anything more than hiking, playing golf and relaxing.  Beautiful country - If you haven't been to Glacier National Park .. put it on your bucket list.

On my new bucket list are:

Gold MIF and Pre-Bronze Dance

That's what I attempted to practice today.  The moves were very sad and the dances .. without my partner were even sadder.  Still learning all three dances.  Hope to get  a lesson or two next week in California.

Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...