Friday, February 24, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Post Vacation Skating ! Pairs Lesson

Another pairs lesson today.  We had another 10 days off ice.  Do not try this at home... training involves training nearly every day and not skipping days and weeks at a time.  

Progress .... hmm. I wonder why we aren't making any?  The video say 2-20, but it was actually 2-21.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Pairs Lift Breakthrough !!

We had a pairs breakthrough today. After more than a year of trying to get this lift up with a one foot take-off … Today it happened three times.  It's not the prettiest lift as I still have not been able to master getting my legs behind me but this is a great start to progress .

July 115º - No problem!

 Down in the valley for a few appointments from the White Mountains of Arizona where it’s much cooler.  It’s been over 110ª every day reachi...