Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ten Fox Lesson

Today I had an early morning (for me) lesson as an early makeup lesson - due to company coming to visit.  Sacrifices must be made!  My new coach who I really adore is Sue Burdick.  If anyone reading this blog skates in Arizona - she is available for coaching at Gilbert AZ Ice.  We are just clicking and I am really enjoying her method of coaching.  She is encouraging and explains things to me in a way that sinks in (most of the time!)

I didn’t think I was going to try to learn the Ten Fox but she thinks it’s something I can do.  Practice time is my problem.  There will be a test session in March sometime so I need to get more ice time if that is going to happen.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Early Morning Lesson .. Yawn

This morning I had a lesson - rescheduled due to a hockey tournament during my regular time.  I am not a morning person! Of course I was late and it cut into 10 minutes of my lesson, but I still had 20 minutes of helpful coaching!


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Meanwhile over at Chandler Ice Den ...

Today I finally had another chance to skate at Chandler Ice Den.  This is the rink I thought I would skating at more often.  It’s slightly farther away but considerably warmer - as you will see by my ability to strip down to a tee shirt after getting fully warmed up.

It was imperative that I skated today because I have another lesson tomorrow.  I was pretty tired during practice but forced myself to really practice the Hickory Hoedown 4-5 times and I even got my RinkMusic fob to work so I could make a few runs with music.

Dance is really interesting.  On the surface I will admit it sometimes seems boring, skating round and round in specific patterns.  But trying to hold your upper body in dance frame and getting your edges right and proper extension and the correct steps is not easy.  And to anyone who tests or competes in the solo dance series .. hats off to you.  I think it’s really hard to dance alone.  I prefer leaning on a partner!

Today’s video is a bit long.  I tried going through my Moves in the Field and even spit out a few spirals, a waltz jump and a scratch spin at then end of the session.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Another Ice Dance Lesson

My 2nd lesson with Sue Burdick.  Going over the Hickory Hoedown steps and pattern as well as the Willow Waltz.  I would much rather be learning these dances along with a dance partner but until I meet MR RIGHT - I will have to dance alone and test with a coach as a partner.  I’m really not interested in the solo dance testing or competition.  I just don’t think I will ever be able to carry myself well enough alone.

My takeaway from this lesson - especially after seeing the video is I really need to work on my extension and holding a frame position in my upper body.

Monday, January 6, 2020

A New Chapter

Today I started lessons with a new coach in Arizona for ice dance and MIF; Sue Burdick.  We touched on the Hickory Hoedown and she thinks I should test this dance in March!  I think I have a long way to go.

A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...