Monday, October 30, 2023

One Week Later …

 So my Thursday skate didn’t record for some reason. I’m actually grateful because I was a wreck on the ice.  Wednesday I had a flu shot and a Covid 19 shot and the side affects showed their ugly faces to me the next day.  I had zero energy and my heart rate was high even sitting at a chair.  I had to cut my lesson with Vitali short and even sit down at one point from nausea.  By Friday I was ok and even swam some laps ~ which is what I am doing now to help my cardio and stamina without putting more stress on my fragile knees.

Today on the other hand went pretty well.  Much better than my last lesson with Naomi.  While we stuck to the basics during my lesson, they were important points that needed going over and should help a lot going forward.  I have my FS skates on again (I did also last Thursday) and even though I didn’t feel well that day my coach agreed I was skating stronger in the FS boots and blades.  Not sure where all this is leading..  but since today after my dance lesson I found myself wanting to try some freestyle …. 🤔 

Switching back and forth between those styles of boot/blade combo is not easy for me.  

So after all that rambling.  Today I broke my vids into two segments.  

1) My lesson with Naomi

2) How I spent my time on the ice after my lesson. I managed to do some little jumps..  my weight is still sadly up too high to get off the ground and my knees aren’t appreciating the pressure it takes to push into the ice to get airborne nor the forces of my extra pounds when I land.  Spinning, while far from perfect .. especially the Camel is arguably better in these skates.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Square One with Naomi

 Much anticipated lesson with coach Naomi but I was on 3 hours sleep and my skating legs are nowhere to be found. We spent 1/2 our lesson catching up and the other 1/2 working on the most basic things.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Tango Time

 Today’s lesson was all Tango.  I warmed up this time for about 15 minutes before the lesson which helped but I will be happy when I can just get on the ice and know where my knees, ankles and feet should be without thinking so much.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

First Lesson in 4 1/2 Months with Vitali

 Nuff said.   I was shaky at 8:00 am no warm up.  We did some warm up exercises and worked on the Silver Tango.  

Looking forward to getting my legs and feet back under me.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Return To The Ice After 4 Months

 After four months plus a week off the ice I skated for the first time.  To say I felt like Bambi is an understatement.  

We moved from Washington to Arizona and the process required my full attention.  No time to skate.  I skated a little in April and May and hung up my skates May 31st.

Now that I am here I can finally get back to the ice.  Not only did I feel wobbly and feel awkward, but I have forgotten many of the steps and rhythms of my dances.  I have a partner lesson with Vitali on Thursday and I’m really nervous about that.

On the plus side - I didn’t fall or get hurt.  On the minus side - my boots hurt because I spent the summer out of them and in flip flops.  ðŸ©´ Bunions worst enemy are flip flops.

July 115º - No problem!

 Down in the valley for a few appointments from the White Mountains of Arizona where it’s much cooler.  It’s been over 110ª every day reachi...