Friday, July 30, 2021

Pairs Reunion with Hank

As much as I am enjoying learning to ice dance and practicing moves in the field ... this was the best day of skating I have had in a long time.  

Hank and I made a skate-date and just went for it.  We couldn't remember any of our programs but we tried to do some stroking exercises and a few little jumps and spins both together and apart.

If I had my druthers ... I'd skate partnered all the time.  2 is better than 1 ... you sure laugh more!

Friday, July 16, 2021

My Intro To Synchro

 After weeks of company and summer travel and limited ice … I finally got a chance for some EARLY morning ice and a lesson.

I also got to try a little basic synchro exercises with Amy, Sherry and coach John Saitta.  It was so fun.  I have missed tracking … from my pairs days.

A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...