Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Something Old, Something New

Started the day with Coffee Club.  Sadly only two of us showed up.  I hope attendance improves or we will lose this great program.  I felt pretty wobbly after being away for another 3 weeks from home ice.  I did get to skate a couple of times in Tahoe . But there’s no place like “home ice”.  So I brought my scribe and decided to stay quiet and practice some figures during coffee club.

Later that day I returned to the rink for my ice dance lesson with Kendall Tupper LeClaire.  We are working on lots of basics.  Warm up patterns, edges (dance style) and a little pattern work for the Hickory Hoedown.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I Have Aclimated!

Back for our second week in Tahoe.  My 59th birthday was Wednesday Oct 3.  Today was the first day we saw clouds and rain .. and hail!  But I managed to squeeze in another hour at the South Lake Tahoe Ice Arena for a short skate doing the thing I love most - on my birthday!  Happy Birthday to me!

Wish I had skated better.  I was more out of breath than I was the first time I was here.  I spent most of the hour doing edges, swing rolls, practicing the dance exercises my dance coach gave me and trying to do the Hickory Hoedown alone (ps I am not a solo ice dancer) .... as always I break out into freestyle cause I get bored doing the ice dancing .. (I hope that changes someday).

A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...