Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level.

My first attempt I got behind and stepped out of the pattern during the last few steps of the dance. We rested as we looked over the dance playback and tried again.  I wish it were more crisp but we felt it was worth submitting at 50+.  Again we wait.

The actual test is at 2:41 and at 4:44 we practiced the Kilian again from my camera.

Video #2 is the virtual test from the rink side.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

American Waltz Dance Test - Passed!

If you have followed along - this was a big day for me. My last dance test passed was Dec 19, 2022.  Over 2 years ago since we started working on the Silver level ice dance patterns.  I still have 2 more tests to take to complete the level but I am so grateful to one done with this particularly annoying dance.  It looks so easy but for me and many others it is hard to master (which I have not).  

Thursday - Still Waiting to know about the Waltz

 Honestly I would rather go back to in person testing.  The waiting is the worst.  Especially if I am moving on in my head and I end up failing again.. excuse me (getting a retry).

Here’s the excerpt from today’s lesson.  I think the Tango is passing. I wish we had recorded it as a test.

Monday, February 3, 2025

No Results Yet .. Monday Moving ON

 I hated skating today without knowing if we have to revisit the American Waltz.  Hopefully I will know this week.  Meanwhile… the Tango

Thursday, January 30, 2025

American Waltz 50+ Test - - - - - Submitted and waiting for the results.

 I will update this page with the video we shot Monday and submitted this week once the results are back.

It wasn’t the best but I really hope it passes and that I never have to do that dance again for the rest of my life!!!  

Today I skated after the tragic news of the plane crash that took the lives of so my figure skaters, coaches and family of USFSA.  I felt sick but wanted to skate .. because I can.  The session was awkward.  The ice wasn’t that crowded but I couldn’t practice without running into skaters and coaches.  During my lesson we only had time to work on the Tango for like 15 minutes.

Also just heard that Dick Button passed away today at 95.  RIP Dick.  ❤️ 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help make good use of my hour long lesson.  Monday the ice was awful - no cut in the morning so it was lumpy as hell.  Today this.  Aside from being a really cold rink this is another drawback to skating at Gilbert AZ Ice.  But this is where Vitali coaches - so I am kind of stuck.

Monday, January 13, 2025

2 Short Lessons This Week

 Here’s the first session - 30 minutes goes by so fast.  We left the American Waltz for last.

The plan is to try and virtually test the Tango this month.  

Monday, January 6, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

New Years Resolutions set you up for failure ~  So I won’t list them too specifically.  

1. Lose weight

2. Skate more

3. Walk more

4. Read more

5. Play piano more

More of everything except #1.

Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...