Monday, April 17, 2023

Squeezed in One More Lesson

Last Dance (session) with coach Vitali until I return at the end of summer.  Thanks for the last minute lesson .. 1 hour at 7:00 am.  Whew!

Monday, April 10, 2023

But Wait … There’s More

Two lessons - same day - different rinks.  

And to top it off .. I skated my butt off on the 2nd session.  That’s the reason for the extra long video. I never .. ever skate multiple runs of a program  the way I did today.  I was so tired at the end.

So this is it. My final lessons for the summer ~  I’ll be skating when I can up in Spokane while we are there for the summer but not too much as we are selling our home and preparing to move permanently to Arizona.  Lots of work ahead and I probably won’t have much free time for skating.

…. Until then.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Last Lesson for a While

We’re leaving soon for Washington.  I may be able to squeeze in another couple of lessons but it’s unknown at this point.  

Looks like I won’t be testing before I go either ~  There’s just no way my dances are good enough yet.

Looking forward to coming back and settling into full time Arizona life.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Wait Didn’t I Just See You Yesterday?

 Skating version of cramming before a test.  I don’t actually have a test date yet but I know I am leaving for the summer very soon and I am trying to get in as much practice as I can.  I just hate the idea of doing all this work and just leave the dances till fall.  

Yes I can practice while away .. but it’s just not the same doing it solo.

Today was lesson 2 of 3 with coach Vitali this week.  We had 1 great run on the Tango.

Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...