Friday, September 21, 2018

I Must Have Alititude Sickness

So I am here in Lake Tahoe enjoying a beautiful fall vacation.  Kayaking, hiking, golfing and today I even got to skate for an hour at a public session at South Lake Tahoe Ice Arena.

I always wanted to skate here.  They have a great adult skating camp every May and I just haven’t made it here yet.

I had the ice entirely to myself.  They asked me what music I wanted to play or if I just wanted to plug in my own during the empty pubic session.  So nice.

Stupidly I set the camera on the boards facing the wrong way and I can only see a few glimpses of my skating in the reflection of the glass panal when I happen to pass by it .. doing something.  Oh well.  I will be back in 2 weeks and hopefully remember to turn the camera in the right direction.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

For Old Times Sake

I got to skate with Hank a bit during and after coffee club.  We couldn’t do much, but it was fun trying.  At least we didn’t fall down!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Easing My Way Back On The Ice - Dance Lesson

Well - I’m back.  Sort of.  Skated a few times in the past 2 weeks.  I have a lot of lost muscle memory and a pair of really sore feet.  My boots really hurt after a long summer and travel season in flip flops and my arches are barking from how unfamiliar it feels to wear my boots.

That aside this week two great things happened.

1. Adult Drop In Coffee Club restarted with a new regular coach - which will free me from needing to be there each week and the worry of trying to find a coach each week.  Plus our rink is going to let the Coffee Club skaters stay for free on the public session right afterward.

2. I had my first ice dance lesson with Kendall Tupper-LeClaire.  She is our rinks’ only ice dance coach and she left a few years ago to take a break and start a family.  I’m so excited that she is back (even if only part time) as I felt I just could not make any headway with ice dance without a regular coach.

So here’s a few snippets of both!

July 115º - No problem!

 Down in the valley for a few appointments from the White Mountains of Arizona where it’s much cooler.  It’s been over 110ª every day reachi...