Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1st Ballet Class in 53 years...

In other words... first ballet class EVER!  Here is what I attempted to learn tonight:

5 Positions
Demi Plie
Grand Plie
Tendu Battement
Battement Dégagé

Sorry, I forgot the rest because I came home and had a glass of wine.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I just order a Bar Method dvd today because my coach recommended it as a great way to get both strength and flexibility for skating. It's supposed to be a ballet-based workout. It's also appealing that it's supposed to be easy on my not-young-anymore knees! Good luck with the ballet.


Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...