Friday, June 23, 2017

Coffee Club June 23, 2017 ...Privé

Normally I would never complain about private ice time, but in this case I was sorry.  Only 2 of us showed up for Adult Drop In Coffee Club today.   It's summertime and today was beautiful out.  Some of our regular attendees have moved away for the summer and one moved to Sweeden!  One went to Missoula to take a MIF test .. (I'll let him off the hook!) Another got a job and as for the rest.... the jury is out.

I have worked so hard to make this coffee club a reality and I don't want to lose it.  I hope I can get some more skaters to show up next week.  We have a guest coach coming up from McCall Idaho!

So Hank and I were the only ones who skated.  We had Stephanie Krupke-Parkinson all to ourselves, which was both fun and interesting since Stephanie is not a pairs coach!  We worked on crossovers, Waltz jumps and Toe Loops.  We were introduced to the Toe Walley.  Basically a Toe Loop with a different entry.  I have never been able to do one - nor have I tried.  I think I am going to try to learn to do one this way.  According to Stephanie you can get more spring from it.  We also worked on getting our sit spins lower.  I found out today that Hank can actually squat all the way down.  On the video I have a typo... I said "He can't get all the way down" and I meant to say "He CAN get all the way down"! ... now we just have to incorporate that squat into a spin!

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