Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Trifecta Skating Day

 Strange day.  I started my skating day with figure blades (aka patch blades) - I wanted to work on my edges and three turns without the ability of lurching forward !!  No can do with figure blades !!  Watch me almost fall.

Secondly I put my “regular” FS skates on and worked some more on the three turns .. not much progress and I felt a bit sore and tired .. so I left and headed home.

On my way home I decided to stop by a local farm/bakery/event center about a mile from my house that was supposed to have an outdoor rink.  Turns out .. they did and it was open - so I just paid $8 for a 10 minute skate on a tiny holiday rink.  I somehow drummed up enough energy to skate about 10-15 minutes.  It was sooo hot out .. about 80º .. not even Sun Valley is that hot in the summer.

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