I’ve been really falling apart on the ice the past few weeks. After my big disappointment of not passing my American Waltz dance test ~ I feel like I have kind of succumbed to a sense of failure. My ongoing knee issues, blades issues and some busy off ice schedules have contributed, but I have only myself to blame. There are lots of adult skaters older than I with more ailments who are “getting it done”.
Maybe it’s time for a break and a reality check.. and maybe some new blades. I’m also really missing freestyle and I just can’t do a darn thing on dance blades. I’m going to dwell on this over the summer and find a solution.
Meanwhile these are my final lessons with both Naomi Lang and Vitali Vakunov for the season.
I may get a few scattered lessons over the summer when I am in town but we plan to be up in the mountains most of the time ~ enjoying life ~ off the ice.
~ Stay tuned. Or change the channel. 💕
Edge lesson with Naomi
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