Friday, April 25, 2014

Back To The Process of LEARNING

If all we did was practice what we knew, we would never get any better.  So they say.
My coach gave me a list of things to work on and today I worked on almost all of them.  Not with much success, but a real effort was made to try and get a feel for where I am going.

Things she wants me to have in my Silver FS program include:

  1. A Hydroblade  Hydroblading is a figure skating move in the field in which a skater glides on a deep edge with the body stretched in a very low position, almost horizontal to the ice.
  2. A change edge spiral sequence (without putting your foot down)
  3. A flying camel spin, which to me is like a waltz jump landing in a camel spin (I know I will be corrected on that!)
  4. A change foot sit spin forward to back
  5. A split jump
  6. Some more complicated footwork using falling leaf, mazurkas, etc
  7. Oh yea .. add to that a real Lutz 3 jump combo + a Flip 2 jump combo
  8. A change edge spread eagle from outside to inside and *back to outside .. *that's the hard part
  9. And.. I kid you not... she said some Axel harness work was coming
Here's what I worked on today:

Special Thanks to my friend Heather for my belated "tossie" from her soon to debut skating accessory online store called
Until it's debut go to:
These are Bling Bars for your skate laces at the toe of your boot.
They are silver with hand set Swarovski crystals and they will make my boots look FABULOUS.  No more over-the-boots tights for me!


  1. You will totally be able to accomplish that list! ;-)
    I'm glad you like your Bling Bars and thank you for promoting our store. I just want to add a little correction...the actual store site will be
    The fb is correct. :)
    We are getting super close to launching!!

  2. Thanks ... sorry I missed the isa part. I just finished putting them on my laces.... I was actually nervous about unlacing the boots for the first time ????? like maybe they wouldn't go back in the holes!

  3. How fun! Nice change of pace from working on moves. Your change of edge spirals will be program-worthy before long. I'm breaking in new skates so no spins or jumps for me right now. Just lots of moves and the Ten Fox dance I'm working on!


Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...