Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Another Practice Day

Sneaking in some ice time in a busy summer schedule.   Next week I will be back on a daily schedule..... I hope.

Ran through all my Silver MIF and each single jump (Axel excluded of course).  Working on a few things.  Cannonball sit spin for one.


  1. Beautiful skating!

    You will ace that Silver MIF and freestyle test :)

  2. I'm i long way from taking the freestyle test... Just MIF on 7-10-14

  3. You will do great on the Silver MIF! And on the freestyle when the time comes :)

    My coach thinks I'll be ready for Pre-Bronze MIF by 28 AUG 14. Then she suggested I do the freestyle test after the MIF test on the same day. Have to learn another jump, and the scratch spin.

    After yesterday's practice...I think I am going to move both of those to the testing in OCT. Right knee giving me too many issues on right three turn of waltz 8. Just would not lift to pivot...and was causing me to two foot it...even with two Advil an hour before practice. :( I did try a "sit" spin although it was more like a "squat" spin and I managed to pull that off a couple of times... ;)

    Good luck on your test!

  4. You will do great on the Silver MIF! And on the freestyle when the time comes :)

    My coach thinks I'll be ready for Pre-Bronze MIF by 28 AUG 14. Then she suggested I do the freestyle test after the MIF test on the same day. Have to learn another jump, and the scratch spin.

    After yesterday's practice...I think I am going to move both of those to the testing in OCT. Right knee giving me too many issues on right three turn of waltz 8. Just would not lift to pivot...and was causing me to two foot it...even with two Advil an hour before practice. :( I did try a "sit" spin although it was more like a "squat" spin and I managed to pull that off a couple of times... ;)

    Good luck on your test!

  5. I had a lesson today on MIF. I need more work than I thought!

  6. Don't you hate that? You think you've got it and then, wham. You don't. LOL. You are a beautiful and strong skater Diane. I think you will pass. :)

    Will send some positive thoughts your way on test day from the great state of Maryland ;p


Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...