Thursday, September 17, 2015

Long Overdue Freestyle Lesson

I have really gotten behind in posting my videos.  Ever since returning from Sun Valley.  It took me forever to sift through all the video and edit the clips.  Now it seems I am skating more and have less time to edit.  I will try and get back on track this week.

This was my first freestyle lesson with my regular coach for months.  I have so much to work on between now and MY competition season which is basically from March-April !!!  Am I the only figure skater who HATES competing, but does it anyway to have something to work toward?

I love the idea of it.  Getting a dress, choosing music, choreographing a program.  But it is never enjoyable when I can't skate to my own expectations of myself.  Serious flaw!

Todays' lesson was split in 2 segments.  1st part was jumping and working on correcting some problems with my take off position, landing position and edge control.

Part 2 was working on my backspin.  Nuf said.

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