Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pairs Lesson

Back from vacation - which was fabulous.  Aside from getting the flu and being down for 3 days of it ... And not getting to skate or doing much exercise -  I went to the rink today without much in the way of expectation.

We had a lesson with our pairs coach Chris Anders and he brought Melida Seable to help out with a few pointers - she is a coach at Frontier Ice and a former show skater as well.  It's nice having the female perspective on pairs.

We ran through some elements and then got to work on completing the backbone of our Silver Pairs Program for competition laying it out and marking everything.  This video today didn't process properly with the music but you can get the jest of the program layout.

Our Axel lift is working well off ice but failing still on ice... We need to be closer hip-to-hip before I go up and I need to push harder with me left arm.  We just marked the loop lift toward the 2nd half of the program and our footwork was spliced because one of us (me) didn't do it right and when I put the music on it we were late on the music....

Like I said... It's an outline.

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