Thursday, April 14, 2016


Addendum to original post 4/14/16

Here are the "official" videos from the events

Original Post
My 2nd experience at "Adult Nationals" is complete.  Videos will be added when they come in.  Until then ... here's the good, the bad and the ugly:

Ladies Free Skate IV
Bronze Medal - Clean Skate !!!!  Wished it were stronger, faster, more polished, but super happy with a medal.  I skated 1st of 14 skaters in 4 groups.

Silver IV Dramatic Showcase
6th place of 13 skaters.

The error of my ways was not having this program well rehearsed or even "complete" before 
using it in competition.  I was literally on practice ice that afternoon trying to finish it up.  Tsk tsk.
I spent a lot to have this program choreographed and really wanted it to be better received.

Silver Pairs
Bronze Medal

Three pairs teams - so yes a medal, but 3rd out of 3 isn't something to be proud of.
What I am proud of is all the hard work we put into skating together.  We only started skating pairs together since mid summer of 2015.  This was my first pairs experience.  Hank had not skated pairs competitively in 10 years.  We hope to keep going and do better next time.  Pairs is a blast.

Lastly, and with the most disappointment was my Light Entertainment Showcase program where I portrayed Rosie The Riveter, skating to the song of the same name, by the Vagabonds.  I was very fatigued on this final day and got a little behind the music during the performance.  When I turned to lay into a spread eagle (in front of the judges) .. I fell, sloppily and felt like to ruined the program.
Afterwards I found myself understanding better the whole "kiss and cry" thing... as I took off my skates and costume and let the river of tears flow in the dressing room.  Only to find out 1/2 hour later that I still placed 4th - and received a Pewter medal ... so I had to get back into costume and put my skates back on.  Lesson learned... NEVER rush an element!

So that's the good the bad and the ugly......

Videos are starting to appear on IceNetwork now and I ordered all the programs mentioned and will upload them when they come in.

Best part of this competition is always the love, support and friendships made and rekindled.  Here's a few parting shots of the competitors party:

Thanks everyone who reads this blog for your continued support.

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