Saturday, October 15, 2016

Give Me A Break ....

... from Swing, Fiesta Tango and Cha Cha!

The thing about ice dancing especially at my level is you aren't doing much "off leash" so to speak.  You are so busy tethered to each other, counting 1-2-3-4 and most of the dance is facing forward except the Swing Dance and a brief (but scary) Mohawk on the Fiesta Tango.

It felt good to let my hair down today ... although in contrast I put it up in a bun!  Last time I skated with Hank my pony tail was slapping him in the face !

We had a great practice.  No lesson today but I started and ended the video with pix of us with our pairs coach Chris Anders.  I give him a lot of credit for dealing with a couple of old dogs fighting the good fight on old age!

1/2 the practice was not recorded - but we had some good SBS Camel spins and stroking and tracking exercises during our warm up.

We tried the fun "crocodile" spin today.  We are working on getting the Axel lift up with me on 1 foot.  It didn't happen today, but I am practicing more off ice and hopefully it will come.  We'll have a lesson on Tuesday and start thinking about music for our Christmas program December 10th.

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