Friday, November 11, 2016

Da Agony of Da Feet - New Boots

This is my 2nd new pair of custom Harlick boots.  My old boots are 4 years old and I have already sent them back for reinforcement about a year ago.  As my aging feet continue to skate .. so do my foot problems.  Bunions, tailor bunions, accessory navicular and nerve compression to be specific!

My husband says ... and you do this WHY?

With all these issues, stock boots are not an option for me.  I love my Harlick's, but this time I am wondering if something went wrong in the tracing or construction.

The boots look huge, but they are the same boot.  They start with the size 8 1/2 C model and build from there.  Tracing around a very wide ball over the mountainous bunions on both feet and on the outside edge of the ball there are little bunions called "tailor" bunions.

I am showing you these diagrams because my feet are too ugly to post on my blog!

I have skated 4 times in my new boots and put about 5 hours in them.  My feet are KILLING me.
I'm working with Harlick now to find the problem and a solution.

Meanwhile my skating suffers!

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