Thursday, February 18, 2021

Every Missed Day of Practice is a Setback

 Is it really mid February of 2021?  Where does the time go?  When I got to Arizona and started getting regular ice time and coaching (2x a week now) I thought I’d be turning those corners faster.  But only skating 3 days per week - 4 on occasion I cannot put in the hours of practice and repetition necessary to learn new skills with much noticeable progress on a day to day basis.  

I’m pretty frustrated with my three turns.  I just can’t seem to find the balance to hang onto the turn in the dance form:  

Posture:  head - shoulders underneath - hips under shoulders - feet under hips and legs extended ....

Which I just learned (or it just clicked) YESTERDAY that my free leg should not be bent or coupe like in ballet or how we did it in figures.  In order to do this you have to really feel yourself stretching tall on the turn and squeeze the ever-loving you-know-what out of your legs together while still keeping your feet in a T position ... which after the turn needs to be right next to your skating foot - STILL TOUCHING boot-to-boot!   I can do this at a very slow pace, but add a little speed and poof.. wide stepping and lurching body! Grrrrrr.  

I could get a lot from doing more compulsory figures where you have to train yourself to stay under your head and shoulders.  And lurching or over rotating of the arms will cause you to go off your circle - but the speed of ice dancing will never come out in figures.

Anyway - todays footage is what I took after my lesson (which did not record) on the subsequent session.  I worked on the things mentioned above and did a few runs alone of my 3 Pre Silver Dances.  All were skated without music so when I dub over .. I am not at the right tempo.  Yeah!  

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Long Lesson Not Much Progress

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