Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Ice House in Wilmington North Carolina

I'm currently on vacation visiting my son and daughter-in-law and their new beautiful baby boy, Grayson... but alas too many days off ice is not good for me so I brought my skates along and I have been able to go up to Wilmington North Carolina to skate two days this week at FS sessions at the ice house.  I was really lucky because the Port City Figure Skating Club recently had a competition and most of the kids decided to take a few days off this week so the ice was very quiet... Just the way I like it.

I took video on day one and I spent quite a bit of time editing it and then I accidentally deleted the whole thing from my iPad before I was able to upload it.  :;($@@$(;:/-;)&@@& \{~#>^€*£+¥ !!!!

Today, hopefully I won't be such a dolt!


  1. Hope you are having a great time with your family! My cousin Eddie Elliott lives in Wilmington and is a local singer/songwriter. Catch one of his shows if you get a chance :) As for falling on a toe loop...my coach is supposed to teach me that today...and if you fall...I have serious concerns for myself! Tested out the "bad" knee last Sunday and yesterday, and surprisingly, was able to get through my required elements, and did some freestyle...but not without the aid of anti-inflammatory meds yet... Congrats on performing the Lutz without your coach :)

  2. I probably won't be getting back to Wilmington for any evening entertainment but I will tell my son and daughter-in-law.... But the Avenue babysitter evening entertainment is pretty much shot for the next few years.

    Stupid toe loops

  3. Ha! Learned the "stupid" toe loop yesterday. Entry from R inside 3 turn, left toe pick goes into ice behind right leg, while right leg swings in front of and around left, and land on right leg holding check...sound right? I did a couple...no vaulting in the air like you can...would need a rocket booster on my butt to be able to leave Earth's gravity at this point. So, don't beat yourself up too much over it. You can at least get airborne and spin in the air...and look fabulous doing so...even if it it wrong or you fall...LOL.

    I get frustrated about the simple stuff-like holding checks outside of 3 turns. Having difficulty holding checks while performing the Waltz 8 step. Not with the change of direction...or holding the edge back to the circle...but the check on the same foot outside the 3 turns before you change feet. Stupid Waltz 8 step. ;) I just hope I can get it before 24 OCT which is my testing date.

    Thanks for passing on the info to your family. As you well know, the baby time seems like it will last forever...but in reality...it goes by so quick...and then they are teenagers who want nothing to do with you unless they need money or the wireless network has gone down... ;)

  4. Love your camel/sit, I want one! Your lutz is looking good too. Enjoy that grandbaby as well as your getaway time on the ice!


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...