Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First Good Day of Practice

Public session at my home rink.  First time in a month.  Felt really good to be home and skating, but realizing how much ground I have lost and knowing I will miss Adult Sectionals and Nationals this year is disappointing, but a relief at the same time.  If I keep my current program that I was working on for my Silver test I should be totally prepared by next spring... what would that be like?  To actually be prepared?


  1. Welcome back, Diane! That sit spin has improved immensely, even if you have been away from the ice! So will you not go to Nationals at all and not skate in Bronze?

  2. Hi Eva, Thank you... ha sit spin ... by definition .. sitting on the ice! No I won't compete this year. Aside from missing the ice time and being physically and emotionally drained we will be going on vacation for 2 entire week in February ... a good thing, but detrimental to any hope of skating well by Sects/Natls..I feel like even at Bronze I won't be strong enough to have a good show and I am definitely not so obsessed with competition and Nationals that I must go every year. The pressure for me last year was immense! I envy those that can handle pressure like that. Sometimes I wish I could be that person that just goes for the love of skating and the comraderie but underneath my fear and lack of confidence in myself .. I still guess I have a competitive nature. I don't know. How about you? Going this year? Are you skating a new program?

    1. Yes - I am all registered for Sectionals and Nationals and my hotels and plane tickets are booked. I'm hoping to skate much better this year and really want to place in the top 4 at Sectionals so I can skate in the championship round in SLC. There is a lot of practice ahead!

    2. Are you masters or gold? I'm guessing a Ii with the new age groups but maybe a I.

  3. Looks fun, your back spin is really improving!

    1. Some days it's showing improvement. I can figure out how to get that quick snap into jump position and a fast spin


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...