Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Moves Practice & Stroking Lesson

Skated public again today.  (Not sure why I am saying that... as if it's NOT the norm!)  Anyway, worked on some more stroking, then went through most of my Gold Moves repeatedly (but only put 1 each on the videos).  As usual they have mucho room for improvement and the brackets eluded me.

My coach arrived for a lesson and I asked her for a stroking lesson to help me work on strength and stamina.  Since returning to the ice I have felt extraordinarily tired and I feel like I am not making any headway.

Somehow I thought it would be easier following her around!  Of course it totally kicked my butt AND I was even unable to do some of the things very well... especially my power pulls!  She gave me some great exercises ... thereby forgetting - for now - all about my "russian stroking" .. which, by the way ... I did not DARE mention to her!


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