Saturday, August 22, 2015

Off Ice Pairs Lesson

This will be our last chance to skate together for another eight days as I am off to the
Sun Valley Idaho 2015 adult summer skating camp.

 There's no deadline so anybody can jump on this glorious bandwagon.

 Off ice we worked on the stag lift which is not something required for silver pairs nor does it count for anything more than an artistic flair in the program… But it's a beginning we haven't done any lifts yet. Next we worked on the Axel lift... Much harder for me I have to do some of the work... ha ha

We had about  five minutes of on ice practice before somebody accidentally knocked my cell phone off-the-wall onto the ice and when they picked it up the angle that right toward the ceiling so my very first axel lift with Hank will have to wait for another session also getting my arm ripped out of my socket trying to do death spiral practice.

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Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...