Monday, October 12, 2015

Progress on the Axel Lift

 We had a great practice today.  I was able to record half of our session before the battery died… I hate it when that happens!

I'm really liking the progress we're making on the unison of our side-by-side spins and our skating styles are so similar that are side-by-side jumps are looking good too  although we could use a little more complexity in our entry and we're still working out getting back together after each element that is the hardest part.

 In the lift department we are getting very close to a successful Waltz/Axel lift (they are the same lift, the only difference is that with the Axel lift the man makes 1 1/2 revolutions on the ice --  but first we need to get the lift all the way up and held on confidently .

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