Monday, March 14, 2016

Choreography Crunch Time

Most of my skating peers will have had their programs long since completed by now. Probably some since before the new year or longer. There are always a few procrastinators. Namely yours truly. I don't start thinking about competition until I register and that's in January. Throw in a long vacation, a few local trips, getting sick and skating other a partner and voila... A recipe for not working on singles and/or choreography is cooking.  Getting together with my choreographer has its scheduling woes for someone like me as well who generally skates (and prefers to skate) on public session rather than FS sessions.and this year I added a new twist ... I had my Dramatic program choreographed remotely by someone in Salt Lake City. So I am trying to learn each step from video clips.... Way more challenging than I thought.

So today I skated some pairs with Hank.. Broke off for a FS lesson, then returned in the afternoon for a choreography lesson on busy FS ice. Tomorrow I have to take a six day road trip to Calif with hubby so ... Again practice will suffer.

 PS the music for my Dramatic is missing because Adele and her record label think I must be trying to profit by using this music to skate to without permission. I'm skating to Skyfall. Use your imagination !!! Grrrrrr.

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