Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Vacation Remorse!

Just back from 3 weeks of family vacations, traveling and ... Well for lack of a better word gluttony.  Excess eating and drinking and not nearly enough exercise.  A few bike rides, a little paddling in a kayak, some dancing - but the family dinners all included dessert and the BBQ ribs in Memphis... Well, let's just say ... I didn't stick to my diet!

Anyway.  Had a double-header back on the ice Tuesday.  Pretty wobbly and out of condition, I skated pairs and ice dance right after.

Hank and I tried to skate, but we looses what little synchronicity we have when we take time off.  I'm sure it will come together in the coming weeks.  We are officially 7 weeks from competition in Vancouver at the ISU International Adult Skating Competiton Aug 28 - Sep 3.  There are only 4 competitors/teams in our event.

Here's what happened today when we tried to do a program run!  It wasn't pretty!

After that Mike and I did some dance practice and we worked on the Rhythm Blues and Swing Dance.  This was my first try at Swingl Dance.

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