Friday, January 19, 2018

First Lesson New Coach

My coach for the past five years has taken on a “regular” job and is spending less and less time at the rink.  So now I am in the awkward position of looking for a new singles and moves in the field coach.

... and the winner is:  Randy Clark.  Randy is one of our most senior coaches at the club and coaches everything from learn to skate through senior level skaters, many of which he has taken to Sectionals and Nationals and I believe even Jr. Worlds ... don’t fact check me.

Today’s first lesson was only 15 minutes but right away I can see I will have my work cut out for me.
Trying to teach this old dog new tricks .. or really OLD TRICKS done properly!

First on the long list of things needing fixing before I can .. move on are my Three Turns.  If you look at the ice to see my tracing ... it’s a three turn.... but my tense upper body is keeping them from being smooth turns.   After this first lesson, here is my bullet list of things to work on:

  1. Staying on blended knee but not rising and falling in each turn (or hopping)
  2. Not bending or breaking at the waist after the turn 
  3. Keeping my foot toe to heel to start
  4. Learning and remembering the sequence of 
    1. checking the arms after the turn
    2. passing the arms close to the body
    3. then turning head while passing the free foot through
  5. Checking with free hand in line with opposite hip
Something tells me this means I won’t be testing my Gold Moves In The Field .. any time soon!

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