Monday, March 8, 2021

I hate Mondays.

 So since my last post was Thursday... I’ve played a few rounds of golf, a round of pickle ball and even attempted to pick up an old tennis racket. That was probably the worst choice. Sunday my husband and I were trying to volley a few balls when our club tennis pro came out with the basket of balls and decided to give us an impromptu private lesson. Oh are we ever sore. 

I keep thinking of the mantra if you don’t use it you lose it however I’m starting to feel like I need to set some boundaries. 

I booked an hour of ice on Monday and didn’t put out 100% of effort as my right knee… The one with little to no cartilage was really aching from tennis. So most of my session was just warming up to the idea of making some turns.

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Long Lesson Not Much Progress

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