Monday, April 1, 2024

Back to Monday Lessons

 I finally have some free time to dedicate to more skating and lessons.  Had my first lesson today with Naomi Lang in a few months.  Today we concentrated on the trouble spots with the Silver Tango.

I never realized I was stepping like chicken instead of nicely tucking my foot behind the other in the XB (cross behind) steps.  Neat feet as they call them in ice dance are very difficult and conjur up all kinds of fears of tripping and falling both real and imagined!

Another trouble area I have is step #7 for the lady/follower - my LBO XB is not on a curve or the proper edge so I am usually blocking my partner.  I think that finally sunk in today.

The closed Mohawk into the 3 turn gives me trouble too.  I tend to lurch forward - giving up all my balance and power.  Hopefully I’ll get some practice on Wednesday before my Thursday lesson with Vitali.

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