Monday, April 15, 2024

Re-Working the Free Dance

After last weeks lesson - my coach made some changes to the character step sequence and now she is changing the opening poses and the ending!  1 step forward 2 steps back.  I wish I could learn choreo faster.  

She thought the opening had repetitive movements so she softened it up and removed one part.

She thought my arms in my Twizzles look like goal posts so she hopes to get me to pull them up higher and clasp my hands during them if possible.

She moved my short edge element from after the character sequence to much earlier .. which is good.  I like the new placement.  I’m doing a spiral but hope to get my spread eagle back.

She took out the solid stop at the end of the character sequence and told me to keep the flow going so I can get to my ending spin on time.

She tried to teach me how to do a side spin - in lieu of a layback .. that’ll take loads of practice.

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