Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I'm Off To Ontario

Busy packing and getting toenails painted today.  Tomorrow I am off to Ontario.
Missed 2 days of ice time this week, but with how my nerves are acting, it's just as well.
Nothing is really going to change or improve with 2 more days of practice.  Now I have to rely
on my inner strength (anyone seen it?) and stamina (know where I can buy some?).

My goal this weekend is not to win or even get on the podium.  My goal is to try and remember why
I love skating and enjoy the moment.  It would be real nice if I executed every jump and spin perfectly to the best of my ability and don't fall and start and end my choreography with the music… but in the end it's about trying and realizing that skating is not something everyone can do and few can do really well.  I'm already a winner!

Wish I knew how to tweet ….   #2014PCAS


  1. Good luck!! You are so very brave!!! :)

  2. You are definitely already a winner! Have fun, and enjoy your skate! Can't wait to hear about your experience when you return.

  3. I'm glad you are coming to a good place about your program. I've been going through a similar process, with everyone telling me 'relax' and 'enjoy the moment,' which are sometimes easier said than done. Good luck!

  4. Congrats on just getting there! I'm so envious - I was a very late starter to the world of skating (have watched it for years, but only started doing it myself 4 years ago) and as I'm a very slow learner I'll be lucky to even pass pre-bronze MITF, which is my goal. Anyway, I enjoy seeing your videos and good luck!

    Nancy (fellow Pacific Northwesterner in Portland)

  5. Thanks Nancy .... so far so good. Tomorrow compete. Just had practice ice today! Thanks for your comments!


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...