Friday, March 7, 2014

Practice Ice - Ontario PCAS

Arrived in Ontario yesterday.  Met my friends here and we enjoyed a nice lunch, then went to check out the rink.  The session going on was CRAZY.  Super busy public/freestyle session with a few high level skaters mixed with some medium level skaters and a few tots!  My first impression is that the rink was cold.  Cold like my home rink.

This morning I skated a practice session at 10:15 am.  It might as well have been the competition itself as my nerves were horrible.  I had the shakes ... wobbly legs just trying to warm up.  I didn't plan on it but they let us run our programs with music.  I was able to run my entire FS program and it went REALLY well ..  in that... 1) I didn't fall  2) I landed my Lutz - Waltz - Toe sequence, a Loop Loop combo and 2 flips ... I think I two footed one of the flips.  My camel-sit at the end turned into a weak sit spin only and I did get rather inventive with my footwork and choreography.

We will see tomorrow how it goes.  I have another practice session at 8:15 am (yikes) then I skate around 11:35.  I am #4 out of 8 or 9 skaters ... good place to be, not first, not last.

My (skating) friend Penny from Seattle came to support me and she brought her skating coach with her: Maria from KingSkate in the Seattle area.  She was my rock today ... she really helped to calm me down while I was practicing .... THANK YOU !!!!

Off to bed to get some rest for tomorrow.


  1. Good luck today! Most importantly, have fun and enjoy yourself!

  2. It's so hard to have fun when you fall!!! And don't do any of your combos!!

  3. How did it go? Would love to hear a report of your first sectionals!

  4. The video of our group is up now on icenetwork– I liked a lot of things about your program. I like the way you move across the ice, your edges and power. I loved your layback spin and spread eagle. I also think your arm movements and choreography were very good. We scored very similarly and I am happy with my program by now, I hope you are happy with yours. Or if not, that it just fuels you to do the things you want to improve better at Nationals.

  5. Are you ok? You haven't updated the blog in a long time so I was hoping you'd made it home safely. It was so great to re-meet you and I wish you the best at AN!

  6. Hi Melissa,

    Thanks for your note. I got home from Ontario and found out my 88 year old Dad had a stroke. We had to drive back to Calif (northern) immediately. He was in the hospital and then passed away on the 22nd. We have had so much to do down here. I am just now in the car heading back home.. Of course I have not been on the ice since the day I competed, Sun Mar 9.... AN's should be interesting. I will go but will accept whatever skating comes out of me with all this downtime and no gym.. Bad eating, etc

    1. So very, very sorry to hear about your father. You and your family are in my prayers.



Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...