Monday, March 3, 2014

M-m-m-m-onday. Me? N-n-n-n-ervous?

No way.  I feel confident.  Strong.  Ready.

…….  hahahahahahahaha

Skated twice today.  Public session where I video captured 1 run of my free skate program.  I ran long and slapped another piece of music on it for fun.

2nd skate was a few hours later.  Free style session on our rink #2 … colder, a bit smaller and it was crowded with club skaters today … the ice was great however.  Since it was so crowded we moved back to rink #1 after the hockey players were done practicing.  They cut the ice, but the hockey players left it really narly ….. I fell 3 times - it felt like skating on a pond.  We worked on some "presentation" issues I have … like looking up toward the audience and the judges … stiff neck and shoulders ….
This has been an issue for me since childhood skating….  to quote my first childhood coach "you skate like a linebacker for the Rams" ….. he was trying to get me to relax my neck and shoulders and be GRACEFUL …. I wasn't privy to all the dance and ballet classes the other girls took.  Obviously I don't have a natural ability as  a dancer.

I figure … hey… I am a Bronze level skater… as I move up, so will some of this technique.

Anyway, here's my snippet from the public session.  Time for me to start packing for Ontario!


  1. I'm nervous too! I had a horrid practice yesterday. Couldn't do a spin that's in all 3 of my programs, and one of my jumps is non-existent. I am not trusting my edges. Can't wait to watch you skate this weekend and to re-meet you! I love the 'Come Fly With Me' program and your costume!

    Melissa (met you in audience at AN)

  2. Hi Melissa ... Looking forward to meeting you again too.... just breathe... that's what I keep telling myself!

  3. Good luck, Diane! You will do great! =)


Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...