Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pacific Coast Adult Sectionals 2014

I apologize for the late post regarding sectionals.  The day I got home from Sectionals I found out my Dad had a severe stroke.   I didn't have a chance to even unpack from Ontario.  We jumped in the truck and headed back to Oroville, CA where he lived.  Sadly he passed away, but he had a good long life living on his own in his own home until the end.  We just got back March 29th as we had so much to attend to.

I have been off the ice ever since the competition in Ontario.  In theory - I leave for Boston on Sunday April 6th for Nationals …. All I can say is my skating will be interesting at best.

Here is what happened in Ontario:

My friend Penny and her coach Maria Murphy from Kingskate Figure Skating Club came to support me and have a "girls weekend".  I would have been all alone at practice and getting on and off the ice if she had not come.  She got a coaches credential and was my rock all weekend.  Even so, there was no way to calm down my nervous legs.  My practice went great.  I wish my free skate had been judged that day - I completed my program on time to the music, landed my Lutz, Waltz-Loop, both Flips and felt like.. ok, I can do this! Next day … competition day ….. the nerves set in.

One thing I learned about competition is that everyone ….(well 99%) get nervous.  It's what you do with your nervous energy that counts.  Had I not tripped on my blades it might have gone better.  My first jump was a Flip.  I slightly two footed the landing and that got my legs really shaking, so my spiral was not great and then my RFO edge lean was weak.  When I did the Mohawk I tripped.  When I got up (after sliding) I knew I would be in trouble on time, so I skated forward and tried to do a Flip.. two footed that…anyway, you can see for yourself how shaky the program was.  Nevertheless I placed 5th out of 9.  Wonders never cease!

If you received a tossie from me … you have my friend Penny to thank.  She was up there on the balcony hurling all my special made tossies for everyone in the Bronze category she could.

Bronze Ladies FS4:

Skate #2 went so much better, but the program isn't technically that hard.  There is only a Waltz Jump in it and a Camel/Scratch spin and a Sit/Scratch spin.  I placed 2nd out of 9.  I was thrilled and really surprised!

Bronze Ladies Dramatic 4:

The Light Entertainment skate was fun.  Still I wish it were more polished.  I have trouble ending my programs and holding still … gotta work on that.  There were only 2 of us competing and I placed 1st!

So we went out and celebrated at In/Out Burger

Bronze Ladies Light Entertainment 4:


  1. Congratulations on your competition. You looked fabulous--the videos prove it. Sorry to hear about your father. I lost both my parents years ago. Time helps. Best of luck at the Nats!

  2. Diane, I'm sorry for your loss. The situation is sadly familiar to me (contact me through my blog,, if you want the details). I hope that it helps you to get back on the ice now, to become absorbed in the details of skating, and to make that trip to Nationals. I enjoyed watching your skates, you have really nice skating skills.

    1. Thanks … I am doing fine. Today I get back on the ice for the 1st time since March 9th!

  3. You did great!!! I have been following your blog and I'm so proud of you! :) I;m so very sorry about your father.
    I am working on my pre-bronze right now. I am still working on my waltz jump. How do you get over the fear of falling and just kick your leg up and over? Im such a chicken. :)

    1. Can't answer that one .. I learned the Waltz jump as 10 year old, so when I returned to skating it just came back. Ask me how I get over the fear of a Lutz jump… or trying a new spin. The answer is you have to be aggressive and confident. I use a harness with my coach on jumps I can't do well and that builds the confidence.. as for spins .. you just have to find the center. Try the waltz jump OFF ICE to get the feeling! Good luck and thanks for your comments

  4. Way to go, Diane! I'm so sad to hear about your father's passing. I'm sure he'd be proud of how you skated at Sectionals. I hope to meet you in Boston next week! I'll be skating in the Gold Freestyle 2 and Gold Dramatic 2 events!

  5. You have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your father.

    You did a great job at the competition. Wish I could say the nerves go away, but they don't... ever. Best of luck in the future.

  6. Thanks! So reassuring!!!! I got on the ice today for an hour … after 23 days off the ice….
    It took 30 minutes before I could even go backwards! …. AN's should be interesting!

  7. Great recap! I'm sorry to hear about your father, too :(

    I'm sorry your FS didn't go as you would have liked. But I loved both your interpretive programs! They were very nice to watch and you looked like you really enjoyed skating them. You skate very strongly. Hope to meet you at Nationals. next week as well! I'll be skating Bronze 1 FS and Bronze Solo Dance.

  8. Hope we can do that...thank you !!!!!!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your father - but I am sure he would be so proud of your performances! You have a lovely grace when you move across the ice, and I love your outside spread eagles! Good luck for Nationals! Look forward to hearing the results :)


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...