Thursday, August 28, 2014

Was It An Illusion?

You decide.  I tried a few today.  ILLUSIONS.  The way I remember them... but I fell the first 5 times.  (not shown)

Afterwards I had a choreography lesson to work on the opening of my Silver FS program.
2:10 is a long time for me.  I am exhausted and I haven't done one jump or one spin yet!


  1. Ah, the first song is from the Broadway show "Ragtime"; I know it well. As for the illusions, yep, I'd say those are illusions. Program is looking good. Can't wait to see it all.

  2. One of my favorite shows. I don't know why I didn't have a longer run. Thanks for the kudos.


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...