Monday, April 13, 2015

Lacing A-B-C's

This is how I lace my boots.  I am not the authority on lacing, but this is the way I was taught as a child by my first coach Tony Howard.

I use the OVER/AROUND method on the hooks.  It seems to lock the laces down better for less slippage.  There are lots of techniques people have and it really varies from skater to skater and boot to boot.  Personal preference has a lot to do with it, but this is a widely used method.

You can see my tongue has a groove in it that nearly turned into lace bite when I first got them.  You should try to not let that happen for as long as possible by moving the tongue around to different positions each time you skate in new boots.

I started with really loose laces before this video was taken with the tongue all the way out -  but then I had one lace longer than the other by a lot and I had to fix that and start over and I forgot to run the camera from the beginning... but you get the idea.


Below is some of my practice today.   I revisited my program without the jumps and spins.  Boy was I tired.  I did a little improv to the rinks music - worked on some different position spins.


  1. I also go over the tops of the hooks and used to do the extra pass(es) around the top hooks with my old boots. New boots I don't do the extra hook pass thing. I've learned to like the hook area a little looser for better ankle bend. I got ~2 1/2 years out of my last pair of Jacksons.

    1. It's a personal choice with some coach influence, but the bottom line is we are the ones wearing them and we aren't little kids so we do what feels right.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I lace my boots very similarly without using the top hooks. But I never heard of moving the tongue around with new skates. Will try when I get my new ones. I used to tie them very tight and had pin in my foot, so I learned to leave them looser. It's strange to get used to it.

    1. Etela, you are welcome. Keep in mind boots vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and style of boot, etc. Always good to consult with them, and your coach - but like I said to George above, ultimately you are the one wearing them. Your tongue on new boots will eventually have a crease over your instep, but Phil from Harlick's told me to try not to settle on a place too quickly or the laces will cut into the tongue and I'd get lace bite. My coach had me put a mitten between my tongue and my laces for a few weeks. Go to my search box and type in Lace Bite .. there is a post from Feb 15, 2012 (egads.. have I really been skating that long?) on doing this.

  3. Thank you so much Diane, this is awesome information. I'll definitely look up that post. I know so little about this stuff. I just love skating and am doing it. But getting smarter about it can really help me do better. I have a "ring" around my ankles from my skates and I never knew if that was normal. Love the idea of putting a mitten between the tongue and the laces; will definitely do it and will ask about avoiding lace bite from the manufacturer. I'll be looking into new skates soon and my consider switching from Jackson to Gam. My daughter switched to Gam and says they are super comfortable.

  4. You're welcome. As for boots, I have only had Harlick's, Riedell's, SP Teri's, Hyde and CCM (ha ha )
    I should put those in order: 1. CCM (blades already attached 9 years old) 2. Hyde (blades already attached 10 years old) 3. used SP Teri's with used Phantom blades (came attached because they belonged to someone else 11 years old) 4. Riedell's - used stock boot with used MK Professional blades pre mounted age 19) 5. SP Teri new stock boot (never worn .. stolen out of my truck age 20) 6. Used Riedell's with MK Professional blade purchased at age 46 - but only worn 1-2 times a year until I was 52. My current pair are custom Harlick's and Phantom Blades

    1. That was really hard.. like trying to remember the names of all your old boyfriends!

    2. Hahahaaaa.. you are so funny. For me it's easy to remember as these are my very first real figure skating skates. I got them at age 42 and this is actually the 6th season I'm using them. I think it's time for new skates.


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