Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Freestyle Session - Jumps

I have a FS lesson tomorrow and I didn't want to show up without any FS practice this week.. so off I went in the middle of the day to a 2:15 session ... Lots of kids as you can see.

Any day I attempt a Lutz jump without my coach present is a day I am working hard!

I am supposed to be working on a Lutz-Loop combination and a Flip with a more difficult double three turn entry as well as a Loop jump with a different arm position.

Today I tried a few Flip-Loop combos and I did try a Lutz - Loop combo at the end of my practice while running what I have of my program so far.  (Choreographer out of town till next week)

Spins are off and I am finding there isn't enough time to practice everything in 1 session any more, but I don't have enough energy for 2 sessions.

Monday I went to the gym after skating and I feel wrecked.  Back and shoulders and lower back are in agony ... thankfully there's Advil and .. Alcohol (Chardonnay).

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your FS lesson today. I sent you an email, but in case you didn't get it...I finally somewhat mastered the evil mohawk yesterday with my coach. I was trying to one foot it...but that change of edge mohawk requires two feet..LOL. Now if I can just get my hips to cooperate...

    We too also worked on spins, since she thinks I should go ahead and do the Pre Bronze FS after I do the Pre Bronze MIF. My problem...since I'm the "loop" queen is entering all the spins via three turns. And also...the dreaded two foot I feel your pain. Just have to remember to keep my elbows down and in when pulling in to spin...However, if my spins where anywhere near your perceived lousy ones, I be a happy lady :) So keep at it! You can do it!!!

    Will also place a few shots of Fireball Whiskey next to the candles...hopefully, the skate Gods will smile on us ;)


Long Lesson Not Much Progress

Rink tag system out today.  Waiting to unplug a phone, plug a phone, start music - plus a few virtual tests on the ice today did not help ma...