Thursday, April 19, 2012

Next Test Date Posted

My rink posted the next test date (and last test for the 2011-2012 season).  June 12, 2012.

Entry deadline is May 11th.  Now I am really pondering.  That would be 15 skating days prior  to the deadline (2 lessons) to decide if I am potentially capable of passing all the elements on June 12, 2012.

Here is what the current test book requirements say:

TR 25.10 Adult Bronze Moves in the Field Test
The fundamentals of ice skating must be demonstrated although not necessarily
mastered. Candidates must show knowledge of the steps and continuous flow
and strength. Attention should be given to depth of edges and proper curvature
of lobes.

1. Forward and backward perimeter power stroking
I feel confident I can pass this element.
2. Forward power three-turns
I think I can pass on LFO three turns.  Not sure on the RFO
3. Alternating backward crossovers to backward outside edges
I feel confident I can  pass this element.
4 Forward circle eight
I feel confident I can pass this element.
5. Five-step mohawk sequence
I feel confident I can pass this element

One element may be retried, if necessary.
Passing Total Passing Average
Adult 12.5 2.5
Masters 11.5 2.3
(Approximate time for test: 12 minutes)

Judging panel required: Three bronze or higher rank singles/pairs or dance judges
who are certified to judge moves in the field tests; or one silver or higher rank
singles/pairs or dance judge who is certified to judge moves in the field tests.

Here is the hard part.  Passing the Free Skate:

TR 32.10 Adult Bronze Free Skate Test
The candidate must give a reasonably good performance showing a command
of the following technical elements, a sense of speed, flow and depth of edge.
The fundamentals of free skating must be demonstrated, although not necessarily

1. At least three different single jumps of which one must be a Salchow and
one must be a toe loop I am struggling with the Toe Loop.
2. One jump combination consisting of a waltz jump and a toe loop (no turn
or change of foot between jumps) I am really struggling with the combination
1. One-foot upright spin (minimum four revolutions in position) I can pass this element.
2. One-foot backspin, entry optional (minimum three revolutions in position) This is quite difficult for me to do.  Sometimes I can get 4-6 revolutions, sometimes I get 1-2 and get on the wrong edge and fall off the spin.
3. Sit spin (minimum three revolutions in position) I am getting better at this.  I should have it by June.

Steps: Connecting moves, steps and edges throughout the program This is actually the hardest part. I can do any of these elements above in practice, all by themselves, but having the stamina to string them all together to music and show some grace... takes so much energy.  Add some nerves and some not-so-perfect execution of a jump or spin and that could mean the difference in pass or fail.
Extra elements may be added without penalty.
Duration: Ladies and Men — Not to exceed 1:50 to music of the skater’s choice.
Two different elements may be retried, if necessary
Passing total: 5.0   Passing average: 2.5
Judging panel required: Three bronze or higher rank singles/pairs judges, or one
silver or higher rank singles/pairs judge.

So .... tomorrow I plan on skating my way out of the Bay Area.  Heading to Vacaville tomorrow morning and might squeeze in another session in Oakland before catching my flight back to Spokane in the afternoon.

Ask me tomorrow about the TSA and carrying ice skates on the plane!


  1. You do not need to do both at the same time. I passed bronze mitf years ago, still struggling with a loop. Why not just take mitf?

  2. I might, but I am a glutton for punishment!


A Mid-Summers Day Lesson

 Home for a couple of days before a trip to Cabo ~  Grabbed an impromptu lesson with Vitali.  Had rubber legs for the first 30 minutes but t...