Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Coach Sick - Lesson Cancelled

I was secretly happy that my lesson got cancelled today.  Sorry my coach was not feeling well, but happy I didn't have to skate badly during my lesson.  I have read about other adult skaters who reach plateaus and get frustrated.  I guess it's my turn.

It takes considerable motivation to practice 4 days a week as well as doing strength training and stretching at the gym.  I was going gangbusters for a few months while I was losing weight and feeling better.  Maybe a good nights sleep will help.

Tomorrow I am going to see a physical therapist at my doctor's suggestion.  They seem to think they can help me with my SI pain.  Wouldn't that be nice!

Today I tried lacing my boots up all the way.  Felt like a completely different pair of boots.  Loads of support, but I am unable to get enough flex to do a deep knee bend or a spread eagle.  Still breaking in those boots!

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