Saturday, July 7, 2012

Skating On The Weekend

Summer has finally arrived in Spokane Washington.  Today we are in the high 90's.  Rather than make a pitcher of iced tea and sit on a lounge chair in the back yard I decided to drive to EWU to skate.

I'm still sick. I think it has blossomed into a sinus infection.  One more day and I am going to take an antibiotic.  My energy is dismal.  I thought I would stay on the ice and just walk through my program and try and improvise and create the missing elements and  steps and arm and hand movements, but I simply skated around and around and couldn't pull any creativity out of my mind or soul.

On the ice there today was a coach, Karin Kuenzle-Watson and about 5 young skaters under her direction.  I think they are part of the Inland Northwest Figure Skating Club.  They regularly skate at EWU in Cheney.  Here she is holding her gold skates.  She was wearing them today while she was coaching a very young pairs couple and 3 other young single skaters.

As for my practice, it was a waste of time.  My head was plugged up, then I had a runny nose and my feet ached and I couldn't get more than 1/3 of my program skated without stopping.  I'll try again tomorrow.


  1. I hope you feel better real soon!

  2. Thank you. As Scarlett once said ... "Tomorrow is another day"

  3. Get better! Hope you get the worst of the illness over now so you can skate next weekend. I have a competition coming up soon, too, and had a near fall on my best element in practice. Now I am afraid to do it and anything else with a similar entrance edge. I have a few more sessions to work it out of my system, but it's frustrating.

    1. Thank you. Don't think too much about falling on something you can normally do .... especially next time you skate. Pretend it never happened and attack the element like you always do. (I am speaking from experience... I had a 'bout with my Toe Loop that set me back weeks, until I realized it was all in my head and I feared and anticipated doing it wrong before I even started. It's getting better now.


Silver Tango Test Day - No Results - Virtual Test

 Today I skated another virtual test for the Silver (Harris) Tango.  #2 of 3 dances in the Silver Level. My first attempt I got behind and ...