Friday, September 27, 2013

Beginnings and Endings

Today the rink was busier than usual.  Stray little hockey people, parents, really loud music drowning out the endless repetition of Schindler's List music in my headphones.  It wasn't happening for me to keep running my program.

I set up my camera in the middle of the ice and just worked on the back spin.  I made some progress on it toward the end.  Nevertheless it's a very slow version of what I hope will someday be a spin I can do without thinking.

I struggle most with the beginning and the ending of my program (and a few places in the middle), but today I just worked on the beginning and ending.  I need more ice time to spend working on the nuances of holding starting and ending positions.  It's so much harder than I remember.  Need more stamina and core strength.  Tomorrow pilates and ballet.

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